Breast Wishes

CANCER! Six letters, but the word brings a large gamut of emotions. There isn’t anyone whose life hasn’t been touched by cancer. We have dedicated every month of the year, with the exception of July and December to some form of cancer awareness. There are 26+ different colored ribbons dedicated to their respective cancer in hopes of bringing attention to the cause. Cancer affects husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, children, grandparents, co-workers, athletes, scholars, inventors, politicians, friends; it does not discriminate. We eat certain foods, avoid certain foods, take vitamins, and avoid vices all with the hope that we, or our loved ones, may escape the disease.
According to the American Cancer Society cancer deaths in the US continue to decline. The efforts of stirring awareness and sparking early detection seem to be working. Still 571,950 deaths (the projected number of deaths to occur in the US in 2011) are far too high. We may feel overwhelmed with the various ribbons or causes to attend, remember, or to be aware of, but when you consider the non-discriminatory attack cancer takes, we MUST remain diligent.
October is breast cancer awareness month. Environne would like to take a moment to remind all of you to support healthy breasts! Perform self checks, visit your doctor for regular examinations, eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and encourage all women in your life to do the same. Cancer has a rippling effect that touches more than just the patient. It touches the lives of those around them. Those who love, and care for them. Those who want just one more day with them; just one more minute.
Have a story or comment? Post below and you’ll be entered in a drawing for an Environné Breast Cancer Awareness apron. Drawing closes Thursday October 27th at midnight (pst).

About Environné Fruit and Vegetable Wash

Environné Fruit and Vegetable Wash is the original produce wash dating all the way back to 1987. The same great formula all these years (along with the original kosher certification) can be seen in many countries around the world. That’s history that you can trust. Whether you get your produce from a backyard garden, a farmer’s market or from your local grocery store, we help you make sure that it’s as healthy as possible. Even organically grown produce still comes into contact with birds, human hands or insects. The best way to ensure that your fruit and vegetables are as clean as possible is to wash them with Environné Fruit and Vegetable Wash. Environné….because life should be clean, healthy, and without worry. Fruit and Vegetable Wash is the original produce wash dating all the way back to 1987. The same great formula all these years (along with the original kosher certification) can be seen in many countries around the world. That’s history that you can trust.
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