The golden rule-oh how it pinches!

Sometimes the golden rule is easy to follow.  Life’s going great, the sun is shining, and it is super easy to be kind to your neighbor.  Then you get misled and betrayed; you just want to get even.  That’s when practicing the golden rule becomes a character building moment, and it can hurt!

We’ve all been there.  You help someone out, you do them a favor, and then later, thinking only of themselves, they turn on you, and you end up holding the short end of the stick.  It happens with our friends, kids, teachers, co-workers, and yes even our spouse; it happens in business too.  Actually it happens a lot in business making the practice of corporate law a very lucrative career.  Obviously, when speaking of a business, you have to protect your interest, but you can do so by extending grace, forgiveness, and kindness.  As they say “It ain’t easy,” but it can be done.

Environné was faced with a situation similar to the above; an ally whom we had helped ended up misleading us on their intentions.  Luckily we know our consumers are loyal and we have the utmost faith in them, but we did feel like our nose was left a little bruised.  Behind closed doors, like anybody we had the typical reactions; anger, frustration, disappointment, and hurt.   After we calmed down, accepted that we had been “betrayed“, and decided how we wanted to handle ourselves we turned to the golden rule.  Treat others as you would want to be treated.  Again, it’s not easy, even though it is the right thing-it pinches, but it does help you sleep better at night.

As we move forward with the business of Environné we continue to rely on you, our faithful and loyal friends.  We know that Environné is a way of life for you.  When you are looking for your favorite quality produce wash at your local store, should you ever be unable to find it, we know you’ll step up and speak to the produce manager.  You have too much depending on it.  Your family and YOU!  As for Environné….we are quite proud of how we handle ourselves.  Our team is made up of kind and caring people who are committed to making a difference and not hurting others in the process.

About Environné Fruit and Vegetable Wash

Environné Fruit and Vegetable Wash is the original produce wash dating all the way back to 1987. The same great formula all these years (along with the original kosher certification) can be seen in many countries around the world. That’s history that you can trust. Whether you get your produce from a backyard garden, a farmer’s market or from your local grocery store, we help you make sure that it’s as healthy as possible. Even organically grown produce still comes into contact with birds, human hands or insects. The best way to ensure that your fruit and vegetables are as clean as possible is to wash them with Environné Fruit and Vegetable Wash. Environné….because life should be clean, healthy, and without worry. Fruit and Vegetable Wash is the original produce wash dating all the way back to 1987. The same great formula all these years (along with the original kosher certification) can be seen in many countries around the world. That’s history that you can trust.
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